I just wrote an article for the
Walt Disney Family Museum blog on the use of Character Model Statues and the artists who created them, at the Walt Disney Studio in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It's a topic that always gets me excited!

Pinocchio puppet model made by Bob Jones
I'm going to head over and read it right now.
Terrific article. Really like the unique-looking Bambi model by Wah Chang.
In a number of auctions, Howard Lowery had quite a number of models, from Pinocchio and Fantasia to the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. I still have the catalogs and covet the models every time I see them!
The original Pinocchio puppet !
Models and miniatures from movies or parks are always marvellous .
Great article .
Great article on the Museum blog Kevin! Really, really enjoyed it.
My friend Dennis Books did interviews with many of the Model Department staff before they all passed away. We've wanted to write a book about the Department for a long time now.
Dennis also happens to own quite a few maquettes, photos, and original and photostat model sheets (one of the coolest is a model sheet of what an early Pinocchio would look like).
I've started posting Model Department stuff on one of my blogs, vintagedisneymemorabilia.blogspot.com.
Thanks again fro a great article and a great Pinocchio post!
I really enjoyed that article. I never knew about that department outside the black and white cars for 101 Dalmations. Thank you.
A relatively new follower on your blog, here, by the way. Love your work.
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