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I can't believe he's finally done, and I wish I could keep him. He's destined for the D23 Expo Auction in August. If you're interested in bidding, keep a weather eye open for Lot #27, Mateys!

From the auction catalog:
A one-of-a-kind, hand-made, authentic replica by Kevin Kidney & Jody Daily
Mixed Media (Fiberglass, wood, feathers, metal, nylon fur cloth, velvet, cotton fabric, rope, and an artificial eye.)
Entire piece: 31" H x 17" W x 12" D.
Parrot figure is 19" H
Value (Disney's estimate): $4,500 - $6,000
Wow! Kevin, that is INCREDIBLE. I'm just loving this stuff!!
Great job guys! Looks too good to be true. Even better than the one in the park!
amazing! per usual!
Astonishingly good work. Really. You should be doing this professionally.
He's a beautiful bird. Nice work!
Awesome - love his bad eye :-D
So cool!!
I'll have a paddle! I've always loved the chest tattoo. Just the thought of someone shaving a parrot's chest to inscribe a tattoo is hilarious. Spectacular recreation! Once again you done amazing work. I can't wait to see it in person in just a few weeks.
He is just amazing! I used to work on Pirates and I never even noticed some of the little details on him... love the anchor tattoo!
He's beautiful!!! I used to work at Pirates in WDW and this truly brings me back. He is spot on. I used to love listening to him welcome the guests to the attraction. He has been sorely missed. Thank you for bringing him back to life!
He looks amazing! :D
absolutely stunning!!!
you did a AWESOME Job. wish i was going to the disney 23 expo to check it out up close.
Absolutely beautiful! I'm always stunned by your work, guys.
This is absolutely terrific! You'd have to design a room around it just to compliment it! Great job!
Where did you find your feathers? I'm currently trying to refeather a parrot and am having trouble finding good feathers.
Where did you find your feathers? I'm currently trying to refeather a parrot and am having trouble finding good feathers.
Hi Sarah Aldrich, we used to get our feathers for the tiki birds from Disney's original supplier, which is now out of business. However, we recently found a great place in Orange County, California that carries most of the feathers you would need. The Matoska Trading Company has goose, turkey, fluffs, and hackles dyed in a variety beautiful colors. You should check them out! http://www.matoska.com/cgibin/gencat.cgi?AC=gencat&PC=11&ST=0&RS=NULL&S1S2=241%2CNULL
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