“MEET YOU ON MAIN STREET! We’ll be there. Just as you enter the magic realm of Disneyland you’ll see Bank of America in an authentic, turn-of-the-century setting. Bank of America is proud to be a part of this unusual new California community –just as it’s proud to be a part of 330 other communities throughout the state. While you’re at Disneyland please plan to stop in and say hello – we’ll guarantee you a real, old-fashioned welcome!”
“SPECIAL SOUVENIR MONEY ORDERS! As a memento of your Disneyland visit, Bank of America has provided special, souvenir money orders which may be purchased at the Disneyland Branch in $1, $5, and $10 denominations. Convertible into cash at banks and stores everywhere, they make a picturesque, yet practical, gift to send to the family at home.”
Does anybody have one of THOSE in their box of keepsakes?
A $1 money order from Disneyland's B of A was on ebay a few weeks ago... I forget the final price, but it was way more than I was willing to pay!
I've heard from other bloggers that the money orders are very difficult to find!
I have a $1 Money Order and know several other people who have them. I also know a collector who has a $5 one, but have not heard of anyone having a $10 one.
It went out for $400!!!! I wanted it bad, but no that bad. Great post!
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