Do you frequently use words like autopia, circarama, monstro or hippopotami? You know you do! This rare 1962 handbook helped transform Disneyland personnel into well-spoken rhetoricians. So straighten up, relax your throat, engage your diaphragm, and let's all learn how to speak the Disneyland way!

The booklet ends with a list of common "Disneyland words".
Reminds me of our Narrations Training (Spiel) Class, circa 1988. Great find and an even more fun read. Move it up skip!
I have been mispronouncing Schweitzer Falls all these years - no "V" sound.
Meanwhile, they say that "pour" is pronounced "pawr"?!? Maybe if you are Scarlett O'Hara?
Sword is "sawrd"? Toward is "tawrd"? What planet am I on?
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