I'm the kind of guy who wants to believe that everything in life happens for a reason. To acknowledge that life's little ups and downs are largely beyond our control is a concept that doesn't sit too comfortably with me. Furthermore, when life's "downs" occasionally happen, I think it would be nice if there were always some straightforward lesson to be learned to help us avoid them happening again.
A month ago I had a mishap on my bicycle (my beloved bicycle!) that resulted in ten broken bones and a punctured lung.

My lung is practically healed now, but the bones, including a broken shoulder and collarbone, still have a way to go. Truthfully, it sounds a whole lot worse than it actually is, and I'm relieved that things have been improving so quickly since that first week. And although I haven't really learned anything important from this episode (other than the fact that Hydrocodon will make you insanely thirsty), I've become aware of something that was already present in my life but just needed this opportunity to become more vivid --- and that is the love I feel for my friends, neighbors and family. Thank you for your overwhelming support, happy thoughts, cards, emails, and, for some of you, cooking! I am filled with gratitude, not just for LIFE in general, but for the amazing people around me who make it worth living.
Here's to healing, to time passing, and to you!
Player Piano Sing-A-long!
"Save Your Sorrow For Tomorrow" 1925
Urgh--sorry to hear about your accident! Please get better soon--Disneyland needs more art! ;)
Kevin - Hope you continue to heal quickly!
Get well soon, Kevin! Your blog is always an inspiration!
Your player piano video had me singing along. Thank you for a happy moment. Get well soon!
And of course, Kevin showcases the great Al Sherman and B.G.DeSylva song...Al, of course, is the father of our friends Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman.
I told you not to try to jump that schoolbus, but you never listen!
Glad you are on the mend.
sorry to hear it, kevin!
but i will say, your injury sure comes off as fun!
the player piano roll video is a riot!
feel better!
Hope you mend ASAP
Kevin, Here's wishing for a speedy recovery! And stop carrying your bike on top of your head, you must be doing it wrong!
Holy crap! Heal up quickly Kevin and thanks for sharing your positive outlook!
Having just survived a similar situation involving my beloved garden and a serious head injury, I sure can understand your thoughts of appreciation for love and life! Your charming creations are among the things bring smiles on a daily basis. Good thing I have two sets of the map-plates, so when one is worn out, there will be more to enjoy further down the road. Congrats on your getting well, as am I. Lots of good rest always helps.
Oh, and learned? That SO much does not matter; no need to overextend or obsess, or worry about most things. Just ENJOY life as it comes, and treasure the bits that mean something to you. Cheers.
So sorry to hear about your mishap, Kevin, and hope you are having a smooth recovery. Keep your spirits up and you'll be up and about soon.
I hope you are feeling better soon. Since you are supposed to be rest and all that, how about an update? Rest well.
Kevin, that sounds like one heck of a "mishap!"
I hope you continue to heal well. And also hope that a) the bike is OK and b) that the mishap hasn't put you off riding again sometime. It's too much fun to not be doing it again. A good friend of mine cracked her pelvis last summer, and she's looking forward to getting back on the saddle in a couple of months... albeit slowly at first!
Kevin, I haven't been on the site for a few weeks and I've missed it. I read today about your accident and just wanted to wish you full recovery. Also saw that you are taking a break from the blog for a while. You deserve a vacation - thanks for all you do for this community.
Kevin, I just stumbled on your follow up posting on your bike accident, having missed this more about it altogether. Where the heck have I been? Well, all my best thoughts and wishes that the rest of your recovery hours quickly. Ken.
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