Sunday, June 29, 2008


Disneyland Bank of America Illustration, 1955
“MEET YOU ON MAIN STREET! We’ll be there. Just as you enter the magic realm of Disneyland you’ll see Bank of America in an authentic, turn-of-the-century setting. Bank of America is proud to be a part of this unusual new California community –just as it’s proud to be a part of 330 other communities throughout the state. While you’re at Disneyland please plan to stop in and say hello – we’ll guarantee you a real, old-fashioned welcome!”

Disneyland Bank of America Illustration, 1955
“SPECIAL SOUVENIR MONEY ORDERS! As a memento of your Disneyland visit, Bank of America has provided special, souvenir money orders which may be purchased at the Disneyland Branch in $1, $5, and $10 denominations. Convertible into cash at banks and stores everywhere, they make a picturesque, yet practical, gift to send to the family at home.”

Does anybody have one of THOSE in their box of keepsakes?

Disneyland BofA Illustration


Major Pepperidge said...

A $1 money order from Disneyland's B of A was on ebay a few weeks ago... I forget the final price, but it was way more than I was willing to pay!

Jason Schultz said...

I've heard from other bloggers that the money orders are very difficult to find!

Matterhorn1959 said...

I have a $1 Money Order and know several other people who have them. I also know a collector who has a $5 one, but have not heard of anyone having a $10 one.

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

It went out for $400!!!! I wanted it bad, but no that bad. Great post!