To celebrate fellow "keeper of the flame" Major Pepperidge's 600th incredible post on his site "Gorillas Don't Blog", I'm sharing a few pieces of, possibly never before seen, art from Disneyland's past. The Kaiser "Aluminum Hall of Fame" is about as obscure as you can get when talking about Disneyland's extinct exhibits and attractions. Very few images exist out in the wild today, and the color pictures currently on the good Major's blog are an especially rare treat. Make sure you check them out!
This week's images are part of an original pencil layout created in 1955 for a full-color newspaper section previewing some of the " many delights and wonders that are yours to enjoy at Disneyland."
"KAP, THE KAISER ALUMINUM PIG," will be your friendly host as he entertains you with his amazingly versatile antics. By pushing buttons or pulling handles you can make "KAP" flat as a pancake, light as a feather, round as a pole, strong as an ox, twisted like yarn, colored like a rainbow. He'll show you how he can get sizzling hot, dazzling bright, electrically shocking and will perform in many other ways useful to you."

"A giant telescope, a massive structure made of Aluminum and a symbol of man's scientific achievement is the introduction to your adventure in "Kaiser Aluminum-Land." An exciting peek through this brilliantly reflective Aluminum tube focuses your attention on the birth of the "brightest star in the world of metals" Aluminum! In this celestial setting you will see and hear the first chapter of the story of Aluminum's abundance, versatility and beauty.

"A KNIGHT IN ARMOR, a foil clad fire-fighter and a future spaceman each will tell stories of how Aluminum benefits themselves and you."
"VENUS, HISTORIC SYMBOL OF BEAUTY, is re-created life-size in a futuristic setting of dazzling glamour to represent the welding of Art and Industry, and the inherent beauty of ALUMINUM. The famed statue, draped in Aluminum yarns and bathed in colored lights, is surrounded by a huge multi-colored Aluminum star, beneath which are fanciful settings of possible future uses of Kaiser Aluminum for your benefit.
What a great post!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
I can't wait till time travel is invented and we can all go back and experience Disney through the ages. Until then, I will have to keep coming back to my favorite blogs!
These are some of the finest Disneyland artifacts I have ever seen. Thanks for posting Kevin. Truly appreciated.
Wow, Kevin, these drawings are SUPER amazing. And thanks so much for the kind words about my blog, I really do appreciate it.
Wow, Kevin! Where on Earth did these come from? Incredible.
Whoa! Where on earth did you find those???
Hello Kevin, i couldnt figure out how to get in touch with you so i thought i would send a comment on here. I was wondering i figured out you were behind a lot of the replicas that were created for Disneyland's 50th like the barker bird. Are there any plans in the future to recreate pieces of Disneyland history like this again? Other casts of molds lying around??? The merhcandise that was created during the 50th was some of the neatest stuff.
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