Wednesday, February 11, 2009

By George...

Vintage newspaper ad, February 1961

Vintage newspaper ad, February 1963


  1. This must have been back in the day when Washington's birthday and Lincoln's birthday were actually two separate holidays. Which is why school kids loved those two presidents!

  2. You're absolutely right, Major. Both February 12 and February 22 were observed as federal public holidays honoring the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington, until 1971, when President Nixon decided to smoosh the two into one single Presidents' Day (3rd Monday of February.)

  3. Yes, what a mistake that was. Let's give Lincoln and Washington their celebrations back.

    Love the graphics on these BTW!

  4. Followed your link from the festival of post cards and blown away with everything you have on your blog space.

    As a kid growing up in the 60s working as an artist for Disney was my dream job, till the real world got in the way. Guess I will be a regular visitor to your blog space from now on. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  5. I can't quite get over the idea that Disneyland would run little ads like this in the local papers. It's almost like advertising the Pacific Ocean is open for business.
