Sunday, April 11, 2010

The 1967 Tomorrowland Mail Box

Cast in smooth stainless steel with bold lettering over recessed panels of blue enamel.  Solid 'contemporary' post-war design, functional and minimal.  Industrial yet beautiful.  The kind of object used by rocket scientists, architects and planners of gleaming modern cities.   
The coolest mail box in Disneyland - maybe in the whole world.

The mailbox today.  Black and blue latex paint.


  1. Ah!! I love these little details!! I've taken pictures of several paint versions of this same mailbox with bewildered stares from surrounding guests. QUESTION: what will be the postage to send a letter from the 2010 version to be received into the 1970 version of this mailbox?? How much to send myself to 1970?

  2. ..........I also like that the staff shop decided to leave the "newspaper" loop-hooks on the mailbox. I guess newspapers were to be common place in the "World On The Move.."

  3. The new paint scheme makes the thing look like it was made by Playskool.

  4. I don't get it! Why paint the thing at all when it was perfect being mostly metal? Once you paint something like that, you just have to continue to paint it and touch it the queue railings. Who sits around and comes up with this stuff??? Well, at least they didn't paint it a Tomorrowland '98 gold, brass or copper. Or did they?

  5. seriously, the paint? ugh.

  6. The current look of the Disneyland mailbox is trendy, but I still prefer its previous appearance. I like the appeal of it being made from metal. Stainless steel is known for its unsurpassed strength. It will truly takes years before it corrodes, and even if it gets chromatic, it still provides the same kind of quality it has before.

    Carl Patten
